Local Activities

Listed on this page is just a small selection of the many activities, groups, clubs and societies in the local area. Most are non-profit, community focused and run by volunteers. Our SRA Facebook, Twitter and Gazette pages (as well as our highstreet noticeboards) will also contain more details of special events held throughout the year. We also recommend our local library and the Council webpages for other information and contact details. Below you will find some activities and details categorised by theme where possible. This is by no means an exhaustive list!



Nature and the Outdoors

For suggested FREE WALKING GUIDES/ROUTES click here – insert link to places to walk and visit header)

Interested in working as a CONSERVATION VOLUNTEER at local green spaces? click here. (insert link to document)

Interested in ALLOTMENTS? : www.croydon.gov.uk/leisure/parksandopenspaces/allotments

FRIENDS OF SELSDON WOOD (FSW) – find out more and get involved

The Friends are volunteers who regularly hold informative walks, carry out sustainable conservation and restorative work and monitor wildlife in Selsdon Wood. We welcome new members to support us financially by subscription or additionally on maintenance workdays or join the Committee. Download a printable leaflet (with map) from here or email David Malins, at davidmalins@btinternet.com for information. www.friendsofselsdonwood.co.uk Phone 020-8657 0423 or e-mail: selsdonwood@gmail.com


FRIENDS OF LITTLEHEATH WOODS (FoLW) – find out more and get involved

The Friends website contains information about how to become a Friend, support with donations and how to join one of their Guided Walks or their regular Tuesday workparties carrying out practical conservation work. There are also details of Maps, a Nature Trail which can be downloaded and a Contact Us page.  www.folw.co.uk.


RSPB – Croydon Local Group - Monthly Illustrated Wildlife Talks

Whitgift Sports Club, Croham Manor Road - off Croham Road. South Croydon, CR2 7BG. Second Monday of each month, 2pm and again at 8pm. Everyone is welcome not just members. Contact John Davis on 020-8640 4578 or see www.rspb.org.uk/groups/croydon


SANDERSTEAD HORTICULTURAL SOCIETYtalks, excursions and shows for people with an interest in gardening http://www.sandersteadhorticulturalsociety.org.uk/

CROYDON ECOLOGY CENTRE – Orchard and wildlife sanctuary http://croydon-ecology.org.uk/

Created, funded and run by volunteers at Heathfield. Offers an educational resource and open public tours twice a month plus special events. 


Arts and Crafts

SELSDON ART GROUP – a painting group open to all levels


We meet in the Selsdon Centre for the Retired on the second Thursday evening of each month, and throughout the year have a varied program of events, including painting evenings, demonstrations, talks, and slideshows. Contact Fiona Hooper on 07973 412952.


SOUTH CROYDON TREFOIL GUILD - Are you a quilter or part of a quilting group?

We are mostly made up of Girl Guiders/ex Girl Guiders and like-minded people. We meet on a monthly basis and are affiliated to Girlguiding UK.  

Currently we are making quilts for the special care baby unit at Croydon University Hospital. If you would like to make a quilt for the unit and/or you are part of a Guiding group or want more information, contact  vanhos@virginmedia.com. http://www.trefoilguild.co.uk/LONDON-AND-SOUTH-EAST-ENGLAND-(LaSER) 


Music and Theatre

CANTILENA SINGERS – A Choir for Female Voices: www.cantilenasingerscroydon.org.uk

Singing light popular songs, we hold no auditions and there is no need to read music. Wednesdays at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Church, 102 Limpsfield Road, Sanderstead Contact Jill on 07957 627783 or at jkcharity@outlokk.com


SOUL SYMPHONY CHOIR - www.soulsymphony.co.uk.

Everyone is welcome whether you are a seasoned pro or have never sang before! Every Tuesday at St Columba’s Church, 37 Queenhill Road

email info@soulsymphony.co.uk 


CROYDON RECORDED MUSIC SOCIETY - Listen to classical music and talks about composers or other topics. Alternate Fridays at St Mildred’s Centre, Bingham Road, Addiscombe CR0 7EB, 7.30 - 9.30 with a break for refreshments. Contact Stella Stocker, Hon Secretary on 020 8668 3816 or email stellastocker@btinternet.com or website croydonrecordedmusicsociety.wordpress.com


YOUNGER GENERATION THEATRE GROUP  - a not for profit organisation - we give an opportunity to 9-18's to appear on the professional stage. Rehearsals and auditions are in Purley. Contact: John Blundell (chairman) johnblundell@blueyonder.co.uk  02086573214

NORWOOD WIND ENSEMBLE a friendly concert bandwww.norwoodwind.com

We meet twice a month on Sunday afternoons at St Mary’s Church Hall, Addington Village and undertake special performances. New musicians welcome. Contact our Musical Director, Brian Cox on:Mobile: 07791 688838 Email: brian.sarah.cox@gmail.com   


Sports and Fitness

SELSDON TENNIS CLUB -Open to all ages and standards

We have 5 All Weather Courts including 2 floodlit and a clubhouse at 21A Queenhill Road. Contact David on 0752 3880644 or go to our web page http://www.selsdon-tennis-club-ltd.co.uk/ or via e-mail info@selsdon-tennis-club-ltd.c


SELSDON LITTLE LEAGUE football for kids school years 2-9

Saturday mornings at Sanderstead Recreation ground. Mik Simmonds, 020 68513095 selsdonlittleleague@outlook.com


CROYDON BOWLING AND SPORTS CLUB -  www.croydonbowlingclub.co.uk  

We have 6 indoor and 14 outdoor rinks plus darts, bridge, croquet and snooker and other events at our social club. 10 Nottingham Road South Croydon We formed in 1749! Contact Alan 0777 2022 156  or 0208 688 0659, email croydonbowlingclub@btconnect.com

PARKINSON'S UK CROYDON & DISTRICT - weekly Exercise Classes

1 p.m. every Monday apart from Bank Holidays and the month of August, Purley URC Hall. The exercises are professionally led and those attending can sit or stand depending on their confidence and ability. Committee meets monthly. More details are available from Graham Kellas, on 020 8656 1083.


PARK RUNSa weekly free timed 5k run at nearby Lloyd Park and at Riddlesdown www.parkrun.org.uk/lloyd/ www.parkrun.org.uk/riddlesdown/

SELSDON HALF MARATHON – annual challenging event - http://selsdonhalfmarathon.org/


Literature and Language

CROYDON SOCIAL LANGUAGE CLUB Practise and polish your language skills French Spanish and German - all levels

Every Monday evening (except bank holidays) from 8-10pm South Croydon Sports Club Beech

Copse (off Birdhurst Rise) CR2 7ES Contact David Tel 020 8680 5887 


POETRY HOUR All styles and standards, Join in or just listen, all welcome

We meet in Croydon Central Library Level 1 - at 2:00 pm - usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Contact maryjane@blueyonder.co.uk 


SELSDON LIBRARY – Selsdon Community centre www.croydon.gov.uk/leisure/libraries/find-your-library/selsdon-library/about-selsdon-library  020 7884 5190 Email: selsdonlibrary@croydon.gov.uk

Offering free services such as lending audio, paper and e-books/newspapers and periodicals. Study space, free use of computers with internet, community information, enquiry service, special events and speakers.


Science and History

BOURNE SOCIETY a large local history society. We offer publications, visits, speakers, meetings, placement of plaques, and archaeological work. http://bournesoc.org.uk/


2-4pm at All Saints Church Hall Onslow Gardens Sanderstead the last Wednesday in the month.

Contact Joyce Hoad (Chair) joycehoad@virginmedia.com  or chris.harman@tiscali.co.uk 



We have been involved in the study of science, local history and natural history for 150 years. We have a museum and library, issue publications and run a packed programme of talks, lectures, walks and seminars. www.cnhss.co.uk  or Brian Lancaster 020 86686909



SELSDON CONTACT (Neighbourhood Care) – Bringing help and friendship to your door

Based in Selsdon Community Centre. Our volunteers respond to the needs of the local community (eg Elderly, housebound, families in need) by helping with transport, shopping, visiting, information and advice, equipment loan and practical help as well as offering social events.  www.selsdoncontact.org.uk


COMMUNITY CAFÉ St. COLUMBA Food and a friendly face -All proceeds go to charities  

Held at St. Columba’s Church Hall, Queenhill Road, Selsdon. EVERY WEDNESDAY. 9:30am – 1.30pm.  Everyone welcome, just drop in. Free parking. www.stcolumbaschurchselsdon.uk/parish/parish-groups/cafe-st-columba/


COMPANY CLUB - Social events for lively over 45's:  www.companyclub.co.uk

Established over 35 years ago. We currently have over 50 members. New members evening - 1st Thursday of the month. Contact Linda 020 8668 1382, Glenn 020 8656 9007, Shirley 020 8651 5835. 

SELSDON SOCIAL CLUBAll are welcome - meet on the second Monday of the month at 8pm in the hall at the rear of St John’s. Contact Beryl Gascoigne tel: 020 8660 2611 

SELSDON CENTRE FOR THE RETIRED welcomes the retired and elderly living locally for lunches, activities and outings. Minibus escort available. Run by volunteers for over 50 years.We are open five days a week from 10:00 – 15:00, inside the Sainsbury’s building in Selsdon, Surrey Tel: 0208 651 1111       www.selsdon.centre@btinternet.com


ROTARY Sanderstead and Selsdona voluntary society raising funds and holding events for local, national and international communities. Meet every Monday at Coombe Lodge. www.rotarysandersteadandselsdon.com


MINGLES SOCIAL CLUB – Social club for singles

For more information and a membership form please contact one of the following: Lynn – 020 8651 1756       Richard – 020 8651 3660     Malcolm – 07853 225440


SELSDON AFTERNOON TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD – a social club for local women

Our meetings are held on the third Friday of every month in the church hall at St. John the Divine, in Selsdon, between 1.30 and 4.00 pm.  We look forward to seeing visitors.


PROBUS CLUB (Croydon South) – a social club for retired and semi-retired professionals

 Contact John Barker 020 86572093


Religious and Spiritual

ST JOHN THE DIVINE, (CoE) 7 Upper Selsdon Road,

Church services and community aid and events, stjohnsselsdon.org.uk 208 657 9466


SELSDON BAPTIST, (Baptist) Addington Road

Church services and community aid and events http://www.selsdonbaptist.org.uk/

ST COLUMBA’S (RC), Queenhill Road

Church services and community aid and events www.stcolumbaschurchselsdon.uk


CROYDON JUBILEE CHURCH (Christian, Regions Beyond Group), Selsdon Centre

Church services and community aid and events www.croydonjubilee.co.uk

ST FRANCIS (Anglican), Tedder Rd, Monkshill

Church services and community aid and events www.stfrancismonkshill.org.uk



Church services and community aid and events www.uk.churchofjesuschrist.org


UPPER SELSDON ROAD HALL (Christian Assembly meeting place), 45 Upper Selsdon Road

020 86572417


Uniform Groups

GIRLGUIDING – For girls aged 5-14 . https://www.girlguiding.org.uk

We meet at several units in the local area. Weekly during school term times at Selsdon Baptist Church hall, the Guide hut at St John’s, St Columba’s Church hall and St Paul’s Church hall on Croham Road. We also have a Ranger group (ages 14-18) at St Paul’s. 


SCOUT PACKS – for boys and girls aged 6-14 There are two units in Selsdon

1st Selsdon based Upper Selsdon Road, St John the Divine

www.croydonscouting.org.uk/about-us/groups/1st-selsdon-addington-st-john-the-divine -

2nd Selsdon based in Foxearth Road www.2ndsandascoutgroup.org.uk



CROHAM VALLEY EXPLORER SCOUT UNIT – for boys and girls aged 14-18. Monday evenings between 8 pm and 9.30 pm, the passageway behind 35 Birdhurst Rise, South Croydon, Unit members take part in a wide range of challenging activities and life skills. All the members are also working towards gaining their Duke of Edinburgh's and Scout Training Awards.



SELSDON CAMERA CLUB www.selsdoncameraclub.co.uk

Our meetings are on Friday evenings at 7.30 at The Methodist Halls, 102 Limpsfield Road, Sanderstead CR2 9EE (Opp Majestic Wine)  email secretary@selsdoncameraclub.co.uk



Every Monday 2.00pm-4/00pm (not Bank Holidays), Selsdon Centre of the Retired.

We play Acol bridge and warmly welcome new players, even if rusty, but regret that we are unable to offer to teach you. Contact Betty Borfiga on 020-8656-4212.



Rear of St. Johns Church Upper Selsdon Road on Wednesday afternoons. There is a charge for members and visitors at demonstrations and workshops. Further details from Brenda Pinkett 02084059582