This is a pilot website for the Selsdon Residents Association (SRA). 

The intention is to build an archive of articles and photographs of lasting interest and to explore the value of a website to the Selsdon Residents' community.

So far we have 10 pages - see menu at the top of this page.

SRA AGM - Notice of the AGM to be held on 13th March and the Special Resolution to be discussed.

What's On - is a page, updated monthly, giving an overview of events within the area. 

Local Groups is a list of a variety of groups, clubs and societies local to the Selsdon area. If you would like your group included please send a brief description of your work/role and a copy of your annual programme to

Photo Galleries is an archive of images of Selsdon. Currently most of the photos are all of past times but current photographs of interesting sites and events can be added. Please send any you may wish to share to

Glimpses of Old Selsdon, Nature Notes and Roundabout are archives of the monthly articles in the Selsdon Gazette: Ted Frith's pieces which tell the history of our area, Ted Forsyth's seasonal notes on natural history and Carousel's witty commentary on local current affairs.

The versions of each of these published in the Gazette are here enhanced by the addition of photographs or other images and links. If you have any to contribute I would love to hear from you. All the articles from 2017 are currently shown - in reverse order with the most recent at the top.

History of Selsdon tells the history of our area. Many tales of the History of Selsdon are told by Ted Frith in his Glimpses of Old Selsdon so this page is for additional information from old issues of the Gazette and other articles supplied by Selsdonians which tell of the history of our community.

History of the Gazette does what it says on the tin and comprises a number of pieces from Ted Frith detailing the Gazette's origins and development.

Archives houses a collection of articles of wider interest to the Selsdon community which do not fit anywhere else.

The format is very flexible at this stage and we invite your responses and comments via email or direct from the Contact Us page. 

Would you make use of a website?

Have you any comments on the current content?

Have you any suggestions for further content?

Have you any content to contribute? (eg photographs or articles)