Will be held on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 8pm

at Church hall, St John the Divine, Upper Selsdon Road

Selsdon residents are invited to attend this annual opportunity to meet the SRA Committee, local councillors and local Police to talk about your neighbourhood. We have two Committee vacancies to be filled this year. We also have a Special Resolution to agree clarifications/amendments to the SRA Rules (see below). The AGM Agenda and Annual report will be placed in the February Gazette.

The AGM lasts about an hour, with a chance for drinks and chat afterwards. We do hope you can join us and perhaps bring a neighbour. We do enjoy meeting you all. Please arrive in good time to read the SRA Rules, 2017 minutes and financial accounts.

Please mark this on your calendar now so you don’t forget.

***Special Resolution***

This is a notice of our proposal, by Special Resolution, to make changes to the SRA Rules of the Association. This will be item 9 of the March AGM agenda. This Rule change proposal is to facilitate the SRA’s application to HM Revenue and Customs for Charitable status. In response to our recent submission the HMRC made it clear that changes to our current Rules were required to meet their criteria. As well as including the HMRC’s suggested changes we are also taking the opportunity to carry out a general tidy and update which includes reordering some of the paragraphs. We believe that these small changes do not negatively affect the original intention, character or principles of the current Rules. The proposed updated Rules (dated 2018) are attached below this notice for your attention. 

We have also produced a detailed breakdown of the changes and a copy of the current Rules - available below. This breakdown, as well as the current and the proposed updated Rules, will also be available at the AGM meeting.


Proposed 2018 SRA Rules v2.pdf Proposed 2018 SRA Rules v2.pdf
Size : 697.382 Kb
Type : pdf
The Rules of the Selsdon Residents.pdf The Rules of the Selsdon Residents.pdf
Size : 400.595 Kb
Type : pdf
Rules Change Breakdown ver 2.pdf Rules Change Breakdown ver 2.pdf
Size : 233.388 Kb
Type : pdf